Advent concert dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the blessing of the bells in the church of St. Gall in Visolaje. The concert took place thanks to the support of the Parish Office and the Municipal Office in Visolaje. Produced by Soft Studio in cooperation with KBK Production 🎥 https://www.softstudio.sk PERFORMERS Adam Hanidžiar Emka Hanidžiarová Martin Martinka Ema Martinková Klára Vavríková Sára Vavríková Ema Forgáčová Adriana Mesiačková Monika Kabzanová Mirka Ganošková Janka Gabčová Denisa Dubajová Michal Hrenák Lenka Markovičová Pavol Lazový Peter Vavrík Zuzana Vavríková Elena Bakošová