The rabbits from the mix of the Californian (female) and White Giant (male) breeds have grown up. How effective is this meat hybrid? Differences from the Californian breed. Personal conclusions. You can support the Channel and provide any assistance in its development by subscribing, writing a comment under the video, clicking the notification bell, sharing the link to the video on social networks or financially: Sberbank of Russia: 4276400048334719 QIWI: +7 916 392 36 17 WebMoney: R926489777527 (₽) Z673672282842 ($) Yandex-Money: 410014799326013 E-mail: [email protected] VK https://www.vk.com/id455256122 #rabbits #whitegiant #california #rabbitmixes #rabbitcrossbreeding #rabbitbreeding #whitegiantcalifornia #mixingbreeds #crossbreeding #singlefarmer #singlefarmerchannel