You are spending a week with us for an important moment in our lives... We are adopting our daughters at the courthouse! It is a day we will never forget! Enjoy -30% to -50% off our brand: https://www.highonfun.com ❤️ Blow up the blue thumbs for even more vlogs, don't miss anything and follow us here: Isaac's channel, Huby: http://bit.ly/2kOAMDS Carl's channel, Carl is cooking: http://bit.ly/1nAJhmi INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/2A4lCEX @isaachub INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/2mK60S3 @carlarsenault TIKTOK CARL: http://vm.tiktok.com/a4FoYu/ TIKTOK ISAAC: http://vm.tiktok.com/as2P7V/ What we use to film: http://amzn.to/2mFfAmO WE LOVE YOU THE BEST!!!