Adolfo Roitman, curator of the Dead Sea Scrolls collection and director of the Shrine of the Book at the Israel Museum, gives a lecture entitled “John the Baptist, between history and myth” as part of the seminar “Word and image. The Bible in the light of written and visual exegesis”, held at the CajaCanarias Cultural Space in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, within the framework of the International Cultural Days dedicated to Israel. The main objective of the seminar was to introduce participants to the fascinating world of biblical exegesis. To this end, we will resort to the written exegesis present in ancient Jewish and Christian literature (Dead Sea scrolls, New Testament, Philo of Alexandria, Flavius Josephus, apocryphal literature, rabbinical and patristic literature), as well as to iconographic representations found in synagogues and churches (mosaics and frescoes) and in archaeological artifacts of different kinds (coins, statues, sarcophagi, and others), from ancient to modern times.