#rukiyeçolaksivri #adolescent #adolescentpsychology --------- SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS and WEBSITE / childpsychiatrist / childpsychiatrist / childpsychiatrist https://rukiyecolaksivri.com.tr ABOUT ME I was born in 1987 in Izmir. I completed my primary, secondary and high school education in Izmir with high honors. I received my medical education at DEU Faculty of Medicine and earned my Medical Doctor title in 2011. I completed my child and adolescent psychiatry training at NEÜ Meram Faculty of Medicine, Department of Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases. In 2013, I worked with different child and adolescent psychiatry cases at the Yale University School of Medicine Child Study Center, Tourette's/OCD Clinic, and Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics in the USA. I participated in studies on autism research at Yale Neurogenetics Laboratories. Between 2017-2020, I worked as a specialist physician in the Department of Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases at the SBÜ Ankara Education and Research Hospital. In 2019, I served on the editorial advisory board of the popular science journal Tubitak Bilim Genç and wrote many different popular science articles in the fields of psychiatry and child psychiatry in the same journal. Since 2020, I started to work in my private practice in order to practice my profession under more suitable conditions and periods. I served on the organizing committee of the Konya Autism Days with International Participation (2013), the 24th National Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Congress (2014), and the Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents Workshop (2016). There are over 25 articles and posters/oral presentations published in high-impact international journals. There are over 30 citations to these studies. I wrote 2 book chapters and translated 1 book chapter. I participated in many congresses and training meetings as a panelist. I am a member of the Turkish Child and Youth Psychiatry Association, the Turkish Psychiatry Association, the Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapies Association, and the Ankara Medical Chamber. I have received training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dynamic Oriented Psychotherapy, Play Therapy, Family-Based Treatment, and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. As a general treatment approach, I use various psychotherapy methods, parent training, and, when necessary, drug treatments. I play the violin as a hobby. I am married with two children. ------ MST YAPIM © 2021 / mstyapim ______ Carefree by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song... License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...