Star Bharat Subscribe Now / @starbharat This is the story of village's Ginni and NRI Aditya. Aditya, entangled in his family issues, wants to make a name for himself in the hotel business, whereas Ginni, full of life, runs her own small restaurant, where her love is present in every corner. The lives of these two collided when Aditya put a price on Ginni's restaurant. What will Ginni do now? Will Aditya's business be able to win in front of Ginni's love? To know, watch 'Channa Mereya'. #ChannaMereya #GiTya #starbharat #GiTya #drama #romance #KaranWahi #NiyatiFatnani #ChannaMereya #new #love #hindi About Star Bharat: Welcome to Star Bharat, your ultimate destination for Hindi entertainment, adored by audiences across India. Dive into our diverse range of shows that capture the essence of Bharat, blending emotions that will make you laugh, cry, and thrill. From the enchanting love story of Radha Krishn to the spine-chilling episodes of Savdhaan India, the mystical tales of Shaitani Rasmein, the gripping narratives of 10:29 Ki Aakhri Dastak, the heartwarming journey in Muskan, to the groundbreaking stories in Na Umre Ki Seema Ho, our content is crafted to resonate with every viewer. Join us in celebrating the richness of Indian culture and entertainment with Star Bharat. ►Follow Star Bharat on Social Media: ► YouTube : / @starbharat ► Watch more on Disney+ Hotstar : https://www.hotstar.com/in ► Facebook : / starbharatofficial ► Instagram : / starbharat ► Twitter : / starbharat