Putting ADDITIVE and DEMINERALIZED WATER in the cooling system of the Sophia kombi from scratch share with your friends • Putting ADDITIVE and DEMINERALIZED WATER... No more 0% tap water, I released the radiator hoses and the engine block hoses where it also connects to the water tank. Our kombi is a flex 1.4 year 2006 and it was very necessary to do all this, I couldn't stand to see it like this. I bought six liters of demineralized water and bought 6 concentrated additive for dilution, I did it in 60 of water and 40 of additive for our Kombi. There are ready-made additives but they cost twice as much, so you decide how it is better, I did it this way. For all this to work, I replaced all the water pipes in our cooling system and cleaned all the hoses or if necessary I have to buy new ones. The only thing is only the engine block, I didn't have anything to do, this has to be opened and cleaned everything, I thought it would be too expensive to do this. But everyone does what they can, this way it was really cool to see the water always in pink and to see the water level, that's great guys. I know I'll probably have to change everything at least twice to get it back to original because of the block that will release some rust, but it's great like this. I hope I've helped and shared this experience I had doing at home the way to remove air from the system, just slowly open the valve or radiator cap with it on and all the air will come out. SUBSCRIBE AND BE PART OF OUR ADVENTURES