PokePoke live stream by baseball-loving voice actor Kiyomasa Ito PokePoke name: Join the official membership for voice actor Kiyomasa Ito here! / @ito_kiyomasa OP song: [Lucky Strike] ED song: [Sprechchor] Artist name ando. (Ando Nagi) Youtube: / @ando.9430 Twitter: https://x.com/and_o_music Records of the battles of voice actor Kiyomasa Ito Youtube: / @ito_kiyomasa Sub-channel: / @Ito Kiyomasa's Twitch by Kiyomasa Ito Twitter: / ito_kiyomasa *Loves baseball and games. Currently streaming mainly live commentary broadcasts* LINE stamps on sale https://line.me/S/sticker/21916892/?l... Ito Masashi merchandise on sale https://itokiyomasa.booth.pm/ Friend codes DbD, Steam: ito@youtube 1281 (converted to Sharp) Switch: SW-4938-3542-2694 #dbd #Dedoba #voice actor #simultaneous viewing #new vtuber #PokémonTCGPocket #PokePoke #vtuber