What IS stress and how can we link it to burnout? How can we learn to deal with the continuous overstimulation in our society? How do you activate your vagus nerve? Does stress also have advantages? Is there a point in your body where you are at your maximum capacity to experience stress? Thanks to Luc Swinnen, author of the bestseller 'Activeer je nervus vagus', we get an insight into these much-discussed, but often misunderstood, topics. Editing & editing thanks to @Wout.mov Listen to this episode via link in bio or https://lnk.bio/Onbespreekbaar —— Onbespreekbaar dreams of waking up in a world where mental health is discussable. Through podcasts, content, events, a book and much more, @Nicolas.mako and @jef.eagl try to make an impact on mental well-being. Questions about mental health or looking for a place to go? Hopefully this list can help you: https://campsite.bio/mentalegezondheid Socials, merch & stuff ???? https://lnk.bio/Onbespreekbaar