In today's episode I'm discussing the second type of acoustic panels, the so-called sound diffusers. First, I apologize for the poorer audio quality, I had to move to a new room and haven't had time to deal with acoustics yet. Schroeder diffuser conversion page https://www.acoustic.ua/forms/SchDiff... Skyline diffuser conversion page: https://www.oliverprime.com/prd/index... It was better but unfortunately it doesn't work :( Chapters: 0:00 Start 0:33 Diffusers 1:02 Diffuser parameters 1:44 Diffuser construction - frequency selection 2:00 Calculating the wavelength 2:26 Formula for calculating the depth of the wells 2:45 Sn parameter for different prime numbers 3:03 Calculating the depth of the wells 3:56 Determining the width of the wells 4:16 Table of results 4:35 Calculating the width of the wells 5:10 Why can't we use only diffusers 5:30 Diffuser for 200hz 6:15 1D diffusers 6:30 Diffusers 2D 6:45 3D Diffusers 7:00 Binary Panels 7:15 Where did I get the panels 7:35 Acoustician Bartek 8:05 Summary 8:20 Teaser 9:01 The End