The Akusztik Legends series continues with the concert of Kati Kovács! Kati Kovács has been a traveling ambassador of Hungarian music for more than five decades. He proved his talent all over the world and thus brought the good reputation of Hungarians with him. In addition to our country, he has toured North America, starting with Australia, visited Africa and Japan, and has performed on stage in all European countries. The work of one of the most outstanding and influential singers of Hungarian popular music has been recognized with numerous state and professional awards. Kati Kovács in Akusztik Legendák on January 16, Monday, from 21:15 on M2 Petőfi TV! Follow us: Facebook: / m2petofitv Instagram: / petofilive Petőfi Live: http://www.petofilive.hu/ Live stream: http://www.mediaklikk.hu/m2-elo/