ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES - [ALL IN 24 MIN] ???? ✅ Learn EVERYTHING ABOUT THE 3R METHOD: • All about the 3R METHOD - Learn the fu... ???? GUARANTEE your spot in the 3R Method and PASS the CFC Exam: https://cfcacademy.com.br/metodo-3r-c... ???? Access THOUSANDS of Accounting Questions: https://cfcacademy.com.br/cfc-questoe... ✅ Be part of our Team: / @cfcacademy ---------- ???? Most relevant content on the channel ???? ---------------- 1️⃣ Learn EVERYTHING ABOUT THE 3R METHOD: • All about the 3R METHOD - Learn the fu... • ???????? All about Employment and Internship in C... 2️⃣ • ???? How to study for the CRC Exam Co... 3️⃣ • ???????? Accountant's Life - Accounting Sci... 4️⃣ • ???? Accounting Competitions - All about C... 5️⃣ • ???? Free Course for the CRC Exam • 5 TIPS to PASS the exam FAST... • 2 ONLY CPC 00 topics SUMMARY for ... ???? JOIN OUR INSTAGRAM CHANNEL https://ig.me/j/AbaU-KexZ92QKes5/ The *Accounting Principles* are the general rules that delimit the application of **Accounting Science**. Without these principles, each entity could adopt its own way of recording accounting facts, making it impossible to correctly measure equity. These principles are essential for defending the interests of the community, individuals, and partners and shareholders themselves. Let's explore the **six fundamental principles of accounting**: 1. *Entity Principle**: Recognizes **Assets* as the object of Accounting and affirms asset autonomy. It highlights the need to differentiate an individual asset in the universe of existing assets, regardless of whether it belongs to a person, a group of people, a company or an institution. Assets should not be confused with the assets of its partners or owners. 2. *Continuity Principle**: Assumes that the **entity* will continue to operate in the future. This means that accounting records must be made considering the continuity of the organization's activities. If there are signs that the entity will not continue to operate, adjustments must be made. 3. **Timeliness Principle**: Determines that accounting information must be recorded at the right time, so that it is useful to users of the financial statements. Timeliness is related to the relevance and timeliness of the information. 4. **Principle of Recording at Original Value**: Advocates that assets and liabilities should be recorded at their original transaction value. This means that the initial values should reflect the price actually paid or received on the date of the transaction. 5. **Principle of Accrual**: Determines that revenues and expenses should be recognized when they occur, regardless of payment or receipt. This ensures that results are allocated correctly in the period in which they were generated. 6. **Principle of Prudence**: Suggests that, in case of uncertainty, the option that results in lower equity should be adopted. This avoids overestimating assets and underestimating liabilities, ensuring a more conservative view of the entity's financial situation. These are the 6 principles of accounting. These principles are fundamental to the *reliability and transparency* of accounting information, allowing users to make informed decisions based on accounting records. ???????? -------------------------------➡️ CHAPTERS ⬅️------------------------ 00:00 Introduction 02:00 Legal basis of accounting principles 06:50 Entity Principle 08:35 Continuity Principle 12:30 Opportunity Principle 14:50 Principle of Recording at Original Value 16:00 Principle of Competence 17:50 Principle of Prudence ✅ THOUSANDS OF COMMENTED ACCOUNTING QUESTIONS FOR THE SUFFICIENCY EXAM, CNAI, ACCOUNTING EXPERTISE AND ACCOUNTING FOR PUBLIC COMPETITIONS. ????????????➡️: [[[ https://cfcquestoes.academy]] ⬅️⬅️ ACCESS HERE ???????????? ---------------------------➡️➡️➡️[[[ OUR SOCIAL NETWORKS ]]]⬅️⬅️⬅️-------------------------- Instagram: https://ig.me/j/AbaU-KexZ92QKes5/ Twitter: / cfcacademybr Blog: https://cfcacademy.com.br TikTok: / cfcacademy ---------------------- #ACCOUNTING #CONCURSOPARACONTADOR #ProvadoCRC