Hello, Raio Concurso staff, Professor Marcela Cabeção has brought another accounting class. Today she will start the topic of assets. The second part is indicated at the end of this class. Accounting Course for Individuals and PCDF: https://raioconcursos.com.br/ver/curs... . Instagram: @raio.concursos . Website: https://raioconcursos.com.br/cursos/ . Whatsapp: (62) 9 8438-1022 https://api.whatsapp.com/send?1=pt_BR... . Phone: (62) 3092-4040 . Leave your comment, like the class and subscribe to our channel. . Help us create better content and send us a pix: Raio Concursos On-Line: 29.432.810/0001-07 Marcela Inácio: [email protected]