A few days ago I recorded this video talking about my conversion from Protestantism to Catholicism and today I am sharing it here, as I promised I would. This is not a video in which I discuss the theological reasons why I became Catholic. There is a brief glimpse of some of the reasons, but the intention was not to delve into that. I did not explain any doctrine. I just wanted to report the process and make it clear that it was not based on guesswork. It was a sincere search. Just as it is today! As for Fábio, who I mention so often in the video, I can say without a shadow of a doubt: he is the most intelligent person I know. I had never met anyone with such intellectual stature. We met in person, we became friends and I only praise God for his life, for having taken my hand and guided me in my studies. For those who want to know him, this is his Instagram: @fabiosaldecarvalho And this is his conversion story: http://documents.scribd.com.s3.amazon... ❌ Errata: at the end, I refer to “celestial church militant”, but the correct term is “triumphant church”. The militant church is us who are still here on earth.