????For those who want to support our channel - https://boosty.to/prometey Author: Pavel Volchenko - https://author.today/u/pnwolchenko There are two of them. They escaped from the taiga, got away from the spirit of the forest, from the hunters from the special forces in the depths of the caves, and there is a secret. A military scientific station, dead, and traces - traces of something terrible and incomprehensible that happened here many years ago. Bullet holes, dried blood, folders of documents with terrible devilry that were previously considered myths, horror stories. But there, below, in the SECRET BUNKER - there is someone else, alive ... ???? we are on Telegram - https://t.me/PROMETEY_ISTORII ???? We are on VK - https://vk.com/public208986876 Footage for the intro is taken from Pixabay License Free for commercial use. No attribution required #prometey #storiesandnight #horror #mysticism #fantasy