????For those who want to warm up with a penny - https://boosty.to/prometey Author: Pavel Volchenko - https://author.today/u/pnwolchenko Challenger Deep, the depths of the Mariana Trench. International underwater station for studying new, unknown life at the deepest point of the ocean. Searchlights on the exoskeletons of deep-sea divers that cut through the impenetrable darkness of black waters, lifeless slime on the ground - that's what the terrible pressure of the depths turns any organic matter into, and what's there, what's there in the light of this blurry searchlight? What did they, the researchers, see? What's there... in the darkness... ???? we're on Telegram - https://t.me/PROMETEY_ISTORII ???? We're on VK - https://vk.com/public208986876 Footage for the intro is taken from Pixabay License Free for commercial use. No attribution required #prometey #storiesandnight #horror #mysticism #fantasy