It doesn't matter whether you are new to driving or an expert driver. Remember that you are not alone in traffic and that you can negatively affect the lives of others with every move you make. Please don't learn after it happens. There are many examples that have happened. A smart person is someone who uses their mind, but a smarter person is someone who uses the minds and experiences of others as well as their own minds ????. #drivingschool #drivinglesson If you have applied to the #drivingschool to get your license but cannot attend the theoretical lessons, you can find the most important topics in the traffic lesson playlist. If you solve the previously asked questions after watching the traffic lesson videos, you will be prepared for the types of questions. These videos and the 3-4-term tests you will solve will be enough to prepare for the traffic lesson exam. After the theoretical exam, you will find practical information for #car #driving in our #drivinglesson videos. Be sure to attend your driving lessons and repeat the topics you have the most difficulty with more. We wish success to all candidates in the driving school who will get their license. After getting your license, it is useful to watch our driving videos before hitting the traffic ???? ????My motivation and Q&A videos; • motivation ????My parking videos: • Parking Videos ????My theoretical lesson videos: • Theoretical Lessons for Driving License ????My driving lesson videos: • Driving Lessons ????My web page: https://www.dilekyaz.com.tr ????My Instagram account: / direksiyonhocasidilekyaz https://instagram.com/direksiyonhocas... #steeringlessons2021 #steeringlessonfees2021 #steeringlesson #steeringeducation #privatesteeringlesson #femalesteeringinstructor #steeringexam #DrivingEducation #automatictransmissionsteeringlesson #changinglane #parallelparking #parking #steeringvideo #drivereducationvideo