Death - a subject that people don't like to talk about. Even society tends to suppress mortality. But death comes to every single person from birth. And from a spiritual point of view, this ignoring of the certainty of death is a deadly danger. At the heart of Christianity is the veneration of a dead person - Jesus Christ - who overcame and conquered eternal death through his death. To the extent that a person is internally connected to Christ, the new life grows and matures. And to this extent, death is not a catastrophic end for everyone that one should fear, but a transition in which something like a new birth occurs or is completed. Even Plato, who was not a Christian, was convinced that becoming human means learning to die. And learning to die means learning to love - both with regard to other people and to God. Because loving means loving others for their own sake and not for one's own benefit. So something has to die inside in order to overcome one's own self-centeredness and the urge to "want to possess". Another way of speaking about this secret is to learn to let go. CS Lewis has the famous saying: "Nothing you haven't let go of will ever really be yours." What does he mean by that? Bishop Stefan Oster talks about this in his sermon on All Souls Day. Camera and editing: Susanne Schmidt For more content click here: https://stefan-oster.de/ / bischofstefanoster / bischofstefanoster #allerseelen #tod #sterben #predigtbischofoster #jesus #jesuschristus #katholisch #katholischekirche #bischofstefanoster #bistumpassau