Enver Hoxha, the leader of the Albanian communists, during his four decades in power, shot, forced to commit suicide, imprisoned and exiled most of his closest collaborators. Many equate this behavior with the mentality of a dictator, who sacrificed his friends whenever his power was threatened or whenever things were not going well. Case by case, in a two-part documentary, Abc/Story publishes all the data that documents and various testimonies support the real causes of the punishments, starting from the suicide of Nako Spiru in 1947 to the execution of the Army generals in 1974. These are data that, in most of them, are brought forward for the first time and that prove that the reasons for the strikes and eliminations of collaborators were more numerous. Data that says that senior leaders of the Party and State were hit and executed for reasons that Enver Hoxha and his close caste called "state", there were hits for completely banal reasons, but there were also punishments that were not configured in the mind of Enver Hoxha, but that were born in the minds of his closest people, such as Mehmet Shehu or Hysni Kapo. In the second part of the documentary, which will premiere on Sunday at 19:45, the reasons for the eliminations of the Rear Admiral of the Military-Navy Fleet, Teme Sejko and the longest-serving Minister of Defense, Beqir Balluku, are documented for the first time. Contrary to the official historiography to date, Abc/Story concludes that Teme Sejko became a victim of Nikita Khrushchev's failure to eliminate the Vlora Naval Base, while Beqir Balluku was a victim of a power struggle that began immediately after Chinese doctors learned that Enver Hoxha did not have long to live.