trucks and special equipment had to work in the hands of hired drivers. Until about the mid-1980s, cars were treated with great respect, especially in the countryside. A truck or tractor was called a "breadwinner", in addition to a salary, you could go on "odd jobs". The financial well-being of the driver also depended on the condition of the equipment. But already during the notorious "perestroika" people who did not care about it got access to cars. Such people had come across before, but rarely - there were more people willing to get behind the wheel, so the heads of mechanized columns could choose the best. A real catastrophe happened after the collapse of the USSR. Collective farms and enterprises began to go bankrupt, equipment was simply dismantled, and sometimes just abandoned "under the fence". Expensive parts were removed and handed over for scrap Our clothing store: https://avtobaza.myprintbar.ru/ Support the author: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/auto... If you have any questions about authorship or any other, you can write to the email address below For suggestions and questions [email protected] VK group https://vk.com/autoplusvideo TG https://t.me/avtobaza11 #abandonedcars #trucks #buses