Investment analysis of all residential complexes of A101 Group of Companies (Moscow and Moscow Region) 00:00 Introduction 01:55 House on Zorge 05:03 Prokshino 10:02 Scandinavia 13:38 Zen quarters 14:56 Buninsky quarters 16:12 Southern gardens 20:15 Desnorechye 21:40 Results I welcome you, dear viewers, to the platform of my project! This project, which I created purely for your benefit, is segmented: Its first part is this YouTube blog, on the pages of which, right before your eyes, without unnecessary water about the weather, custom-made videos and advertising, I analyze the entire real estate market, creating an electronic database of all new buildings by all developers in Moscow, and then in St. Petersburg and all major cities of the Russian Federation. I do a great job! Use it, friends! The second part is a closed group in Telegram, on the platform of which my team and I carry out: training in investing, repair administration and consulting on the whole range of issues related to real estate and the formation of an excellent investment portfolio! On this platform for a whole year now the following has been available: free selections of real estate with maximum added value; free consultations with various specialists (experienced investors, mortgage brokers, lawyers and tax authorities, assemblers, designers, builders and other specialists); free training in investing in the real estate market; free training in repair administration; joint investments with the group; and similar free support at all stages of working with real estate! At one time, I did not find such a platform on the market, so having gathered kind and sympathetic people around me, I created it myself, for you friends - use it! Telegram is listed below! Telegram: https://t.me/anatoly_lubeznii