PRICE: R$ 510,000.00 (FIVE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND REAIS) EXCELLENT PROPERTY WITH 2.5 ALQUEIRES. ** LOCATED 6 KM FROM ASPHALT GRAVEL ROAD ** LOCATED 11 KM FROM SANTO ANTONIO DA PLATINA, PARANÁ. ** 2.0 ALQUEIRES FOR PLANTING SOYBEAN OR CORN ** RICH IN WATER - STREAM IN THE BACKGROUND ** 2 DAMS ** BRICK HOUSE WITH SLAB WITH 4 BEDROOMS, ONE OF WHICH IS A SUITE. ** ORCHARD WITH MORE THAN 10 TYPES OF FRUITS. ** STORAGE ROOM FOR STORING MACHINERY. ** SHEEP RAISING ACCEPTS PROPOSALS AND NEGOTIATIONS. INFORMATION WITH ADEMIR REAL ESTATE BROKER - CRECI 25972 PR. OFFICE IN PLATINA SHOPPING PHONE 43 99907-2391 WITH ADEMIR. ********************************** Welcome to our channel. Your visit is very important to us, so if you liked our work, give us a thumbs up, ring the bell and subscribe. Our main objective is to always serve our customers very well, both sellers and buyers, bringing the best images, both areas and land, and also the most privileged information in relation to the property you are looking for. Serve well to always serve. Visit our social networks: Facebook: / ademirsouza.souza.984 / corretordeimoveisademir / ademir.alvescorretordeimoveis1447 See other properties on the website: www.ademiralvesimoveis.com.br Office in Platina Shopping, room 49, center PHONE: 43 - 99907-2391. - speak with ADEMIR. #sitiosavenda, #chacarasavenda, #sitiosnortedoParana, #chacarasnortedoparana, #sitiosantoantoniodaplatina, #chacarassantoantoniodaplatina, #Farms, #Fazendasnorteparana, #Fazendasavenda, #sitiosavenda, #sitiosnorteparana Farms for sale, farms for sale, farms north of Paraná, farms north of Paraná, farms santo Antonio da Platina, farms Santo Antônio da Platina,