A WEEK STUDYING FINALS WITH ME: productivity, organization, day to day, motivation, etc. thank you so much for watching this video !! I hope you liked it very much, see you in the next ones🫶🏻 . SOCIAL NETWORKS: 🥀Instagram: / itsbeapz 🥀Goodreads: / galaxia-reader 🥀Tik tok: tiktok.com/@itsbeapz . Yt music: https://www.xiglarecords.com/ . Sub count: 938 . habits, habits that changed my life, habits, productive school day in my life, productive school day, productive school day in the life, week in my life, day in my life, day in the life, school productivity, productivity, 6am day in my life, day in my life, 6am feel goo day in my life, morning routine, school morning routine, school morning routine, one day in my life, one day with me, aesthetic, 6am, 6 in the morning, 6am routine, university, university, aesthetic, night routine, my night routine, routine, skincare, routine, vlog, a lot of study, productivity, library, five survive, reading vlog, #productiveschoolday #inmylife #productive #schoolday #productiveschooldayinthelife #weekinmylife #dayinmylife #dayinthelife #schoolproductivity #productivity #6amdayinmylife #dayinmylife #6amfeelgoodayinmylife #morningroutine #schoolmorningroutine #schoolmorningroutine #onedayinmylife #daywithme #aesthetic #6am #6amroutine #university #universidad #aesthetic #nightroutine #mynightroutine #routine #skincare #routine #vlog #readingvlog #writing #obsessed