Although a good few weeks have passed since this winter expedition, it is worth returning to it, because winter... comes back every now and then. Fish still do not know whether it is still winter or already spring, and the weather is surpassing itself. How to adapt to fish feeding in such conditions, where to look for them and how to provoke them to bite? I also invite you to a meeting with Justyn Kołek, who will prove that even in winter, in the forest you do not have to be bored at all and you can find many interesting species of mushrooms. You can watch all the premiere episodes of Trzcina, ryby i grzyby on TVP3 Katowice every Sunday at 5:30 p.m. and on TVP Stream. I also invite you to social media: Facebook: Trzcina, ryb i grzyby Instagram: Salmolubny Fishing #trzcinarybyigrzyby #pstrzagi #czarnaprzemsza