⚡️The second issue of the Caliber visit column ???? In this issue, we visited the recently opened Resto restaurant. Watching "Resto", you can see the wide range of calibers of the owner of this restaurant, Maksat Mansurov. Maksat Mansurov is active in several large projects: print.uz, blackstarcarwash_tashkent, bs.cafe.rest, resto.tashkent, centris.fit, centris.print, centris.media, paperworlduz, centris.towers For commercial cooperation: Phone: +998953550088 Telegram: https://t.me/MFaktor_Tijoriy #hasanmamasaidov #podcast #intervyu #interview #mfaktor #jahongirortiqkhojayev #tashkentcity #kalibr #maqsadmansurov #blackstar #centris #fit #resto #tashkent #калибрташриф #bravo #tashkent94 #pulnews #jahongirlatipov #Azizhalikov #hasanhusan #million #nmagap #hummingbird #hummingbird