Today, a little metalworking. I have a long-standing dream, since childhood - to do metal engraving. I used to do it with a drill. Then I tried an impact tip, and even the first time I got something right. But I want to do it the grown-up way, with gravers, or even better - a pneumatic graver. That's what we'll make today. I'll need a plunger pair, a shock absorber rod and some other materials at hand. And from the tools - a drill, a grinder and a drill. Carpentry Festival https://rubankov.ru/festival/ I'm on Yandex. Zen https://zen.yandex.ru/id/5e0eedc9d785... Rutube https://rutube.ru/channel/23832669/ Telegram https://t.me/HeARTwood_official VK Group https://vk.com/club78263279 For personal inquiries e-mail: [email protected]