This time we'll be playing "Momotaro Dentetsu World - The Earth Revolves on Hope!" Sato, Kamiyama, Morimoto, and Sakuma will be playing the latest installment in the Momotetsu series, which takes place around the world. It's a three-year battle full of kindness, with everyone holding strategy meetings, giving each other advice, and competing while also having fun peacefully! Look forward to the second part ( • Victory, a hopeless loss in the amount of money! But a fantastic ending!? (Part 2) )♪ Members: Sato Shori, Kamiyama Tomohiro, Morimoto Shintaro, Sakuma Daisuke "Momotaro Dentetsu" playlist → • Momotaro Dentetsu Compatible hardware: Nintendo Switch #HOKAGO_GAMING_LIFE #MomotaroDentetsuWorld ●Subscribe to the channel / @hokago_gaming_life ●OfficialX / hokago_gaming ●FAMILY CLUB Official Site https://www.johnnys-net.jp/