⭐︎Book data giveaway! ⭐︎ Currently, by signing up for the email newsletter, you can get the book data "Detailed explanation: Just 3 points to make you faster at long distances and marathons" for free! ↓↓↓ https://www.trexrunlab.com/pageoffree... _________________________ ⭐︎Profile⭐︎ Name: Tyranno Date of birth: April 20, 1994 Place of birth: Kyoto Prefecture Career: From the track and field club at Rakunan High School → BOØWY fan at Ritsumeikan University. Instagram (@runlab_trex_wb) https://instagram.com/runlab_trex_wb?... Click here for details on "Runners University," a running school where one in three students achieves a sub-3 time ↓↓ https://www.trexrunlab.com/qualification _________________________