The fourth installment of the Legend Series is Friends from Tochigi Prefecture, famous for their work at Attack Tsukuba in recent years! We were introduced to the Friends S15, which the company's president, Inose, personally takes the wheel. Not only does it boast specs of 700 horsepower and 1,170 kg!!, but every inch of the body is a testament to the steady efforts put into shaving off every tenth of a second...! Interview cooperation: Friends http://www.friends-power.com/ ↓↓↓↓↓↓ Please subscribe to our channel!! ↓↓↓↓↓↓ / @motorz ↓↓↓ Please also check out these ↓↓↓ "Motorz", a media that makes cars and motorcycles more fun http://motorz.jp/ ↓↓↓ "Motagare", an online store for car parts ↓↓↓ https://motorz-garage.com/ MiddleField Inc. http://middlefield.co.jp/