Everyone knows about the Unified State Exam – both schoolchildren and their parents. It is widely believed that it is necessary to prepare specifically for the Unified State Exam, including in physics, and not for the subject itself. So is it possible to pass the Unified State Exam in physics well if you know physics well and know nothing about the “nuances of the Unified State Exam”? We invited a theoretical physicist, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, a well-known popularizer of science, winner of the 2021 Russian Society “Knowledge” award in the nomination “Teacher - Educator of the Year” - Anton Andreevich Sheikin. Solve one of the versions of the Unified State Exam in Physics 2023 without preliminary preparation. Let's see who will win... Anton Andreevich Sheikin, Associate Professor of the Department of High Energy and Elementary Particle Physics, Faculty of Physics, St. Petersburg State University, Ilya Vladimirovich Blashkov, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics. sciences, research engineer at the Department of Radiophysics, Faculty of Physics, St. Petersburg State University About the science of physics, the Unified State Exam, the Physics Department of St. Petersburg State University and much more - in the Applicants for the Physics Department group: https://vk.com/abit_phys_spbu