Welcome to the Black File - the mystery true crime podcast from Julep Studios. A good half hour from Basel lies the tranquil village of Seewen and above Seewen stands a cozy weekend house with the pretty name "Waldeggli". But on the Whitsun weekend of 1976, shots pierce this Swiss idyll. But nobody thinks anything of it. Presumably someone is practicing at the nearby shooting range. Nobody expects that these shots have brought a bloody end to the five people who are currently spending their Whitsun days in the "Waldeggli". ______________________________________________________________________ BLACK FILE MYSTERY You can listen to our new podcast "Black File Mystery" every Sunday exclusively on Podimo! You can test Podimo for 30 days free of charge at www.schwarzeakte.de/mystery. ______________________________________________________________________ LIVE TOUR 2022 In June 2022 we will be touring Germany and are very much looking forward to meeting you and opening a new Black File with you! You can find dates and tickets at www.eventim.de/artist/schwarze-akte ______________________________________________________________________ MURDER ON THE WEEKEND You can now listen to the new episodes of the Black File on Saturdays and without advertising for 2.99€ / month! You can hear more information here: https://bit.ly/akte-werbefrei ______________________________________________________________________ CASE SUGGESTTIONS Have you heard of a mysterious case that we should take a closer look at? Feel free to send it to us! So that we don't miss any cases, the best way to send us your suggestion is using our form. You can find it at www.bit.ly/akte-vorschlag Thank you for your support! ______________________________________________________________________ LINKS TO THE CASE ► Photo of the weekend house "Waldeggli": https://bit.ly/akte101-waldeggli ► The "Waldeggli" then and now: https://bit.ly/akte101-damals-heute ► Map of the area: https://bit.ly/akte101-plan ► Photo of the restaurant: https://bit.ly/akte101-restaurant ► Photo of the murder weapon: https://bit.ly/akte101-waffe ► Robert Siegrist: The Seewen murder case. Told by the victim's son. Opinio, Basel 2001. ► Walter Hauser: Hoping for clarification. Unsolved murders in Switzerland, between prosecution and statute of limitations. Limmat, 2018. ► Jacques Nordmann: The motive for the Seewen murder case. Books on Demand, 2019. **We assume no liability for the content of external links** ______________________________________________________________________ ► Subscribe to the Schwarze Akte podcast: / @schwarzeakte ► Write to us with your theories and other exciting cases at [email protected] ► Schwarze Akte: http://www.schwarzeakte.de ► Schwarze Akte on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4faee9b... ► Schwarze Akte on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast... ► Schwarze Akte on Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/de/show/1201962 ► Schwarze Akte on Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR... It's the details that distinguish an ordinary crime from an unbelievable mystery. We present cases that will make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end and that you would have always insisted could never happen. Every Tuesday, Anne and Christopher publish a new episode with unusual criminal cases and consider whether even the strangest speculation contains a grain of truth. Feel free to write to us with your theories and other exciting cases at [email protected], on Instagram at @schwarzeakte, on Facebook at @SchwarzeAktePodcast or on YouTube at @SchwarzeAkteTrueCrimePodcast Legal notice: https://www.julep.de/impressum/ SPOILER ↓ ______________________________________________________________________ . . . . . No verdict was passed in this case.