All you have to do is join this channel to benefit from the benefits: / @a313 #Freedom_of_expression #The_awaited_Mahdi To support the channel through my PAYEER account P1114684202 ..... PAYEER P My Telegram account link https://t.me/Alialb6 My Telegram channel link Join it https://t.me/ali3214gh huriyat altaebir Telegram channel ID for publishing jokes https://t.me/ali3214gh My Telegram account ID @Alialb6 #Freedom_of_expression_channel_between_Sunnis_and_Shiites_and_revealing_the_truth Don't forget to subscribe to the channel Hajj Waad Al-Lami brings down a Wahhabi with one question in less than two minutes • Hajj Waad Al-Lami brings down a Wahhabi with one question... Announcement of the Shiism of Brother Nasser Al-Jazaery Link to the full episode on Hajj Waad's channel • Angels speak to Al-Zahraa, peace be upon her - ... Hajj Waad Al-Lami's channel link / waad19701 Is this the morality of your sheikhs Yassna • Video Link Video episodes Omar says to the Messenger of Allah, he is babbling and going crazy, he doesn’t know what he is saying Mr. Maitham Al-Moussawi • Omar says to the Messenger of Allah, he is babbling and going crazy, he doesn’t know... Did the Prophet curse the Companions? • Did the Prophet curse the Companions? Sheikh Waad Al-Lami Al-Hajj Waad Al-Lami makes the caller Muawiyah lie Wahhabi scholars • Hajj Waad Al-Lami makes the caller Muawiyah liar... Why is a human being created deformed or disabled? • Why does God create a human being deformed or disabled? Sheikh Ahmed Salman shakes Ashraf Gharib • Sheikh Ahmed Salman shakes Ashraf Gharib and Qena... What did Ibn Taymiyyah say about Ali, peace be upon him? • What did Ibn Taymiyyah say about Ali A debate between Sheikh Ahmed Al-Imami from the Shiite side and Sheikh Al-Saeed Al-Sharqawi from the Salafi side, one of the best companions • A debate between Sheikh Ahmed Al-Imami from the... What are the names of the hypocrites who participated in the Aqaba incident? • What are the names of the hypocrites who participated in... A Wahhabi denies the virtues of the Commander of the Faithful, and a response comes from a Sunni sheikh • A Wahhabi denies The virtues of the Commander of the Faithful, and he comes to him... Patching for Bukhari, Abu Hurairah, and the wife of the Prophet by the Sunni Sheikh Abu Aisha and Sheikh Ibrahim • Patching for Bukhari, Abu Hurairah, and the wife of the Prophet... Are songs forbidden or not for the Shiites Sheikh Ahmed Salman • Are songs forbidden or not for the Shiites Sheikh... Sunni Sheikh recognizes the right of Ali, the Commander of the Faithful • Yemeni Sheikh recognizes the right of Ali, the Commander of the Faithful Sunni narrations, grave worship • Sunni narrations, grave worship An innocent question. We also mention that this program may receive the following names, including but not limited to Amir Al-Quraishi, Dhu Al-Fiqar Al-Maghribi, Ahmed Al-Jaafari, and Yasser Al-Habib. It is possible that it will receive the statues of Faraj Al-Suhaibi, Walid Ismail, Rami Issa, Watah Al-Dulaimi, and Ashraf Gharib. It may receive Alaa Al-Mahdawi, Sayyid Mazen, who spoke about Sheikh Muhammad Sharara, and also Bassem Al-Karbalai, Kamal Al-Haidari, Tamawul, and Athir Al-Qatrani. One of Mustafa Al-Adawi’s students became Shiite, and Hatem Al-Aouni was mentioned, and the case of Hassan bin Farhan Al-Maliki, we note all of this as a description of the program that received this Sunni brother Hani. An important note: These videos are licensed to the Freedom of Expression Channel, which documents dialogues and ideological discussions and comments on them under fair use.