Vlachs are an ethnic group of mixed Romanian origin. In Transcarpathia, they number approximately 5-6 thousand people, half of whom live in the village of Poroshkovo in the Perechyn Oblast. The local population usually equates Vlachs with Roma, but they differ in light skin, light hair, non-nomadic way of life, and language. The older generation of Vlachs is usually illiterate, but the children mostly go to school and learn the Ukrainian language. Very friendly, sincere, hardworking people who for unknown reasons found themselves outside the system. #karpaty , #my , #carpathians , #transcarpathian , #victoriaandrusiv , #vacation in the Carpathians , #victoriaandrusiv , #zhityvhorakh , #transcarpathia , #Volochs, #porushkovo, #perechin , #national minorities, #population , #Movizakarpattia, #Romanian Transcarpathia,