Every unit in which convicts serving sentences for various crimes are held must have a leader. “Prison is not run by the heads of the institution, but by the convicts,” says Neimantas Šarkauskas, a resident of Marijampolė municipality who is currently imprisoned in Alytus Prison. He adds: “When I was brought to the prison, I felt as if I had entered a camp – almost all convicts here are high on drugs, and if you have drugs, you will have everything you want in the zone.” N. Šarkauskas, who has already spent 8 years behind bars for the murder of two people, said in an interview with Delfi.lt journalist Dainis Sinkevičius that the information publicly released by the authorities about cardinal changes in the prison system is an absolute lie – convicts constantly use drugs, are blackmailed by convicts belonging to higher castes, and are subjected to psychological and physical violence. “During this month, when I am in Alytus prison, I have seen as much as I have never seen in my entire life,” he said. N. Šarkauskas decided to tell about what is happening in the prison and how the convicts are being prepared for a new life here because he does not feel safe in the prison – he is now temporarily isolated, because his life may be in danger. But even after being transferred to temporary isolation facilities, he must be extremely vigilant – he knows that the prisoners who want to take revenge on him have promised to pay off anyone who harms him. For the fact that he was not like all the other convicts – he refused to use drugs, did not pay for “living” in the zone and dared to tell the officers who sells drugs and for how much. "I know for a thousand percent that everyone will be dissatisfied, but when people constantly tell you that you will not fight the system, that you will not achieve anything, you understand that fear must be pushed aside," said N. Šarkauskas. He only wants one thing - to return to Kaunas prison, where he was serving time before being transferred to Alytus prison. N. Šarkauskas, who was previously convicted twice for petty theft, was sentenced to 18 years in prison - in March 2015, when he was still 20 years old, he killed two people who lived in Marijampolė municipality and were drinking with him: he stabbed the woman 33 times with a knife, and her son - 29. On his way out, the killer stole their personal belongings, removed the earrings from the murdered old woman's ears, and stole the car. "I can't say why I killed her," N. Šarkauskas explained both after the murder and later in court. Relatives of the murdered wanted the murderer to be sentenced to life imprisonment. "We hope he will become a rooster in prison," they said after the verdict was announced. The shocking interview of the convicted man is on video, and you can also read it on Delfi: www.delfi.lt/a/93271295