Tyumen wireless headphones here: https://cgpods.ru/slow Promo code SLOW - discount up to 500 rubles. Double noise reduction, a month of work without an outlet. Suitable for any ears: DO NOT press. DO NOT pinch. Quickly paired. He worked for the good of communism, survived cooperation and private enterprise, to end up unwanted in one of the vegetable gardens of the Vladimir region at the end of his life, becoming a haven for a swarm of wasps and moss. We decided to save this rare-earth by today's standards early Izh-2715 of 1979 from the scrap yard. But are we too late? You will find out about this in the next episode of Russian Resale! Soundtrack here: https://vk.com/sickandlow?w=wall-3036... Telegram: https://t.me/sickandlow Insta: / sickandlow Insta Demzo: / dima_ricer