The hut, a place where young people come together. A beautiful shed in the ridge of the stable, an old mobile home next to the manure heap, or a simple canopy with a wood stove. They are close groups of friends where camaraderie is central. And of course it is also about drinking, clumsiness and partying. They are proud of their region and neighbourliness flows through their veins. More about this program: https://ogld.nl/1wma Want to follow all the news from Gelderland? Then subscribe to our channel: https://ogld.nl/myo Download our free news app: App Store: https://ogld.nl/jwh Google Play Store: https://ogld.nl/jwi Also follow us on: Instagram: https://ogld.nl/jwj Facebook: https://ogld.nl/jwk Twitter: https://ogld.nl/jwl Website: https://www.gld.nl #omroepgld #boeren #bier #terwolde #vrienden #keet