This is a channel where Osaka Danjiku, a member of 3PEACE, talks on radio videos. We look forward to your comments and feedback. ★Osaka Danjiku Official LINE@ We will be posting various information such as LIVE schedules, recent updates, SHOWROOM, and YOUTUBE at any time! https://lin.ee/7ZqqOeA ★Osaka Danjiku Official X ➡ @otoko3peace ★Affiliated agency・3PEACE X ➡ @3PEACE_osaka ★Live hosted by Osaka Danjiku [Osaka Comedy Live] X ➡ @owarailiveosaka ★tiktok ➡ / ojfuzakemashow 『Osaka Danjiku SNS』 [Principal] X: / jukucho3peaceoj Instagram: / oj_jukucho [Kotaro] X: / kotaro_oj Instagram: / oj_kotaro [Leon] X: / nankuru0623 Instagram: / oj_reon0623 #Osaka Danjiku #Comedy