#neuroscience #brain #mind I am Laura Ponce and this time I am talking to Alex Gómez Marín. Alex has a PhD in Theoretical Physics, is Director of the Organism Behavior Laboratory at the CSIC-UMH Neuroscience Institute, is a senior scientist at the Higher Council of Science and Director of the Pari Center. In this first meeting we explore what consciousness is and the science of consciousness. From various scientific approaches, Alex tells us about the role that the brain plays in consciousness, the divergences between materialists, phenomenologists, panpsychists and functionalists when approaching these studies, and the ethical implications for society as a whole. We talk about Gulio Tononi's Integrated Information Theory, Galileo, scientism vs. pseudoscience, the parallels between the historical moment of Neuroscience and Quantum Physics, and censorship in science for studying certain topics. He tells us about his research on various margins of consciousness, how the mind can affect matter, how to perceive without the senses and the possibility of the existence of a mind beyond death. Alex makes a harsh, constructive and rigorous criticism of our systems of thought and financing, while at the same time he returns to us the beauty of the mystery of existence. I hope you enjoy this conversation about the science of the impossible and open the debate in the comments. Many thanks to the Institute of Neurosciences of Alicante CSIC-UMH for their collaboration. https://in.umh-csic.es/es/ Álex Gómez Marín https://in.umh-csic.es/es/grupos/comp... https://paricenter.com/alex-gomez-marin/ https://x.com/behaviOrganisms?ref_src... KONVERSAMENTE / konversamente https://x.com/@konversamente If you liked it, explore more videos on the channel • Brain vs Machines: How VR relieves... • How to control pain: the brain and...