In this episode, we are pleased to welcome Julien Calamote, real estate expert. He reveals his real estate investment strategy and shows us 3 of his investments in Toulouse! We also recorded a Finary Talk with Julien, which you can find here: • The guide to becoming a real estate investor... ???? Julien's networks: / juliencalamote https://www.artae.immo/ / juliencalamote ???? Manage your assets with Finary: https://cutt.ly/bw5fTwXP ???? Subscribe to Mounir's Instagram account to get the backstage of Finary: / mounir_laggoune ???? Finary's tools: Compound interest calculator: https://finary.com/fr/tools/compound-... Budget management: https://finary.com/tools/budget-calcu... ➜ You want Mounir to analyze your assets. Apply here: https://form.typeform.com/to/tfvOyTag ???? Chat with other investors: https://community.finary.com/ ➡️ Wealth analysis playlist: • Wealth analysis Investing in crypto involves risks, including capital loss and volatility. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. To learn more, visit our website: https://help.finary.com/fr/articles/8...