In 2024, stocks had a great time and long-term retrospective returns are also strong. However, investing is not only about returns, but also about managing risks, so it doesn't hurt for a good investor to be able to think in a portfolio. But what can you do in a higher inflation environment? How important are dividend-type investments? Can it be compared to the real estate market? How important is it to pay attention to foreign exchange investments? We discussed the topics with Dávid Sólyomi, author of several investment books, long-term investor, and founder of the international Falcon Method newsletter, in the latest broadcast. 👉Why open an investment account at K&H Értékpapír? 🤩 https://www.khertekpapir.hu/#miertmi 👉Open an investment account at K&H Securities 🤑 https://szamlanyitas.khertekpapir.hu/ 👉We publish more and more interesting investment-related articles for our customers on the K&H Securities website every day. 📈 https://www.khertekpapir.hu/elemzesek 👉Download the K&H mobile trader application 📱 https://www.khertekpapir.hu/#mobiltrader 0:00 Introduction, life path 06:33 What does risk mean to whom? What is the right style for whom? 12:04 You need to think in a portfolio 25:47 The effects of inflation 31:03 50 shades of dividends 47:11 Real estate vs. dividends (Apples vs. pears?) 52:28 ETF, Foreign exchange, Factors 01:05:29 Useful thoughts