In this Class, Rev. Hernandes Dias Lopes comments that the Gospel of John is the holy of holies of all biblical revelation. The most important book in history. Steven Lawson calls it the Mount Everest of theology, the most theological of the gospels. Charles Erdman considers the fourth gospel to be the best-known and most-loved book in the Bible. Probably the most important piece of literature in the world. The Gospel of John has a specific purpose: to present Jesus as the divine Word made flesh, the creator of the universe, revealer of the Father, the Savior of the world, through whom we receive, by faith, eternal life. I agree with John MacArthur when he says that John's objective was both apologetic so that you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and evangelistic and that by believing you have life in his name. Facebook: / ippinheiros Instagram: / ippinheiros Pinheiros Presbyterian Church. Ave. of the United Nations 6151, Pinheiros - São Paulo.