NODERIUM, an interior green brand produced by ACTUS, has recently started handling soil-free hydroculture plants. Actus' green buyer Soga answers simple questions about hydroculture plants, such as "What does it mean to have soil-free foliage plants?" and "Is it really that they don't require much effort?" [The content of the video is current as of June 2024.] ▼How to water hydroculture plants▼ ① Make sure that the red needle on the water level gauge is at the lowest "min". ② Pour water up to "opt". (It is recommended to water close to the water level gauge as it is easier to adjust the amount) ③ The plant will absorb all the water in about a week, so go back to ①. *If you add too much water, the roots may rot, so if you add water close to "max", discard the water so that the needle goes down to "opt". ▼Planters and other items are also available at the ACTUS Online shop▼ https://online.actus-interior.com/bra... |NODERIUM TOKYO 1F ACTUS Shinjuku Store, 2-19-1 BYGS Shinjuku Building, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo |NODERIUM official website https://www.actus-interior.com/noderium/ |NODERIUM official Instagram / noderium ---------------- ACTUS official Instagram / / actus_press ACTUS official Online shop / https://online.actus-interior.com/ ACTUS official website / https://www.actus-interior.com/ --------------- #ACTUS