Unique culinary that is the only one in the city of Blora opor jingkrak de mona. Open 2 times morning at home afternoon in front of the Blora regional library. For the taste, no need to worry, guaranteed to be addictive. Especially if you are a fan of spicy food, you must stop by @bulejowoofficial OPEN EVERY DAY FROM 11.00- 14.00 17.00 - SOLD OUT PRICE PER PORTION STARTS 16,000 LOCATION JENAR BLORA AND IN FRONT OF THE BLORA CITY LIBRARY This culinary is recommended by @bulejowoofficial Also watch other videos on the link below @bulejowoofficial 💣 THIS MAN HAS BEEN SELLING SINCE THE PRICE OF A PORTION 600Ŕ • THIS MAN HAS BEEN SELLING SINCE THE PRICE OF A PORTION 600 RUPI... 💣 NOT REACHING 1 HOUR OF SELLING • LESS THAN 1 HOUR OF SELLING, 72 YEARS OLD GRANDMOTHER... 💣BEAUTY IS AN ATTRACTION IN ITS OWN • BEAUTY IS AN ATTRACTION IN ITS OWN, 60... 💣AS WIDE AS FIELD IS ONLY 3,000 • AS WIDE AS FIELD IS ONLY 3 THOUSAND, THIS MOTHER IS... Thank you for those who always faithfully watch my videos. And for those who have just found this channel, I say congratulations on joining, don't forget to subscribe and press the bell button so you don't miss my latest videos. Because your subscription is my passion to help UMKM entrepreneurs to grow even more. And for those of you who have subscribed, I pray that your fortune will be smooth, given health, and success in this world and the hereafter. Aamiin 🔘GREETINGS KUENTUL KENTUL CULINARY INDONESIA #warung #food stall #bulejowoofficial #culinary #culinaryrrembang #culinarycepu #culinaryblora #culinarybojonegoro #culinarylamongan #culinarygresik #culinaryidoarjo #culinarysurabaya #culinarysuroboyo #culinaryjawatimur #culinaryjombang #culinarykediri #culinarynganjuk #culinaryrmagetan #culinaryngawi #culinarymojokerto #culinaryrma lang#culinaryblitar#culinaryjember#culinarymediun#culinaryrmadiun#culinaryrmadura#culinarybanyuwangi#culinaryrbali#culinaryponorogo#culinarybatu#culinaryseragen#culinarykaranganyar#culinarygemolong#culinaryrtulungagung#culinarypacitan#culinarykudus#culinaryjepara#culinarydemak#culinarysemarang#culinaryjateng#culinaryjaw atengah#culinarysalatiga#culinaryboyolali#culinarysolo#culinaryklaten#culinaryjogja#culinarygunungkidul#culinaryrmagelang#culinarypurworejo#culinarykebumen#culinaryrcilacap#culinarypurwokerto#culinarytegal#culinarypemalang#culinarybrebes#culinarycirebon#culinaryjakarta#culinaryrbetawi#culinarybekasi#culinarysumatra#k ulinerlampung # culinary bandung # culinary jawabarat # culinary garut # culinary tasik # culinary viral # culinary hit # culinary java # culinary java # culinary hunting # hobby eating # indonesia culinary # culinary indonesia # culinary tradition # culinary nusantara # culinary padang # culinary pariaman # culinary jambi # culinary medan # culinary rriau # food vlogger