Mrs. Antónia Mačingová published a book Lose weight once and for all, full of healthy recipes (including her own), thanks to which you can eat until you are slim. And it's not a diet, he emphasizes. It is a monthly detox that contains all the vitamins and minerals and balances the internal pH. You will lose up to a fifth of the weight that is made up of gluten in the body. And drink at least 3-4 liters of water with it. Follow us on Facebook ???? https://bit.ly/SledujteNasFacebook Roman Vaněk on Instagram ???? https://bit.ly/InstagramRomanaVanka Petr Havlíček on Instagram ???? https://bit.ly/InstragramPetraHavlicka Roman Vaněk on Twitter ???? https:/ /bit.ly/TwitterRomanaVanka