Title: Resala Men Taht El Maa (Short version) Song name: A message from under the water - Abdel Halim Hafez (Short version) ▶ Lyrics: Nezar Kabbany ▶ Composition: Mohamed El Mogy Melody: Mohamed El Mogy ▶ Music Arrangement: Mohamed El Mogy Music distributor: Mohamed El Mogy • Lyrics Song lyrics: If you were my friend, help me to leave you.. Or if you were my lover, help me to recover from you If I knew that love is very dangerous, I wouldn't have loved If I knew that the sea is very deep, I wouldn't have sailed.. If I knew my end, I wouldn't have started... I miss you, so teach me not to miss Teach me how to cut the roots of your love from the depths Teach me how the tear dies in the eyes Teach me how the heart dies and the longings commit suicide If you are a prophet, save me from this magic, from this blasphemy Your love is like blasphemy, so purify me from this blasphemy.. If you are strong, take me out of this sea, for I don't know the art of swimming The blue wave in your eyes, drags me towards the depths And I have nothing An experience in love.. I don't have a boat.. If I am dearer to you.. Take my hand I am in love from my head.. to my feet I breathe underwater.. I am drowning.. I am drowning.. I am drowning..