#TeatruRadiofonic #CamilPetrescu #UnOmIntreOameni #TeatruAudio #TeatruVechi #TeatruOnline #MariActoriRomani Please support us to continue this project and to listen to new recordings that you cannot find on youtube with the great Romanian actors on / theater On the estate of the Medelioglu boyar at Vadu Rau, the Clacasi peasants do not lead a special existence compared to the slaves of antiquity. When a peasant, Toma, dares to address the boyar, the old man of the estate flogs him until he bleeds. In such conditions, the revolutionary consciousness of Nicolae Balcescu, exponent of the oppressed, is formed. Cast: Traian Stănescu, Niky Rădulescu, Ion Gheorghiu, Sandu Rădulescu, Geta Măruță, Iulian Necșulescu, Cornel Gîrbea, Alfred Dimitriu, Didi Ionescu, Lucia Mureșan, Olga Bucătaru, Matei Gheorghiu