00:00 웰훰! 쓰브쓰! 00:01 A woman's first time at a nightclub 03:52 Convenience store villain 06:36 A blind date guy who returns as a hottie 09:09 Arguing with a voice phishing criminal 11:27 A blind date guy who tries to kiss her while drunk 13:32 A strange conversation between a taxi driver and a female customer 14:54 A drunken substitute driver 17:02 A cafe cashier and a day laborer 18:38 Grandpa's withdrawal 20:08 A gangster's driving training 24:05 Grandpa VS a bus driver 27:11 Elementary school student doing volunteer work to receive an award 29:33 A teacher with really bad breath 32:10 The teacher's fart 34:06 What if you just eat effervescent vitamins? 36:44 Couple at a motel 39:09 Name of the person who got the vasectomy 41:49 The identity of the trainee who pissed off the instructor 42:57 Memories of shy military life 45:00 The moans of a new recruit 48:15 Pension voucher 50:15 A high school girl and her grandfather 53:12 Subway villain 1 56:48 Subway villain 2