▼ "Subcontractor issue"... We welcome your opinions and information (confidentiality will be kept strictly confidential) https://www3.tv-tokyo.co.jp/enq/subsc... ★Full version is now available on "TV Tokyo BIZ" (free trial) ⇒ https://txbiz.tv-tokyo.co.jp/original... "I will post anonymously..." The sender of the letter was "Nissan's subcontractor." It was sent to a TV Tokyo reporter in early June. On May 10, TV Tokyo reported that Nissan Motors was continuing to unilaterally reduce prices and undercut several subcontractors, but the "Nissan subcontractor" that sent the letter revealed that it had been keeping an eye on the situation and that a "big change" had recently occurred between Nissan and the company. What was the content of that change... On May 31, Nissan announced the results of an investigation into the "subcontractor issue" reported by TV Tokyo. President Uchida acknowledged at a press conference that there was a misleading trading format and stated that it was "immediately abolished." Nissan also announced the establishment of a new organization to improve fair trade practices. Nissan's lawyer, who was also present at the press conference, said that "we are not in a position to conclusively conclude that there has been any violation of the law," but the investigation is being conducted within Nissan and not on the subcontractors, which is the key. How should we interpret Nissan's "investigation results"? This is the second installment of "Economic Reporter Insight," in which reporter Abe, who is in charge of the investigation, and WBS anchor Oe provide commentary based on their own information. #Nissan #Subcontractor #Economic Reporter Insight #WBS