📌Original broadcast: 2024/11/8 🎉【Mario Party】Let's all have a party!!! w. Nari, Fuura Souto, Murakumo Kagetsu 【JP】 • 🎉【Mario Party】Let's all have a party!!! w. Nar... 📌2024/11/15 (Fri) 21:00 ~ The 3D unveiling is finally here! ~The day the world ends~ Demon Lord 3D • ~The day the world ends~ #DemonLord3D 📌Nijisanji Official Store (Jumps to Nari's merchandise list◎) 🔗 https://shop.nijisanji.jp/3007 📌BOOTH Nijisanji Official🔗 https://nijisanji.booth.pm 📌YouTube @MinSuha @YangNari @FuraKanato @MurakumoKagetsu 📌X Suhahttps://x.com/SuhaMin2434 Narihttps://x.com/NariYang2434 Fura Kanatohttps://x.com/KNTFR2434 Murakumo Kagetsuhttps://x.com/Kagetsu_2434