#Exclusive_Korean_Series_Summary -#koreandrama# -Korean drama love story Drama name: Doctor Lawyer Genre: Drama, Medical, Legal, Thriller Story: The drama revolves around a genius surgeon named “Han Yi Han” who becomes a lawyer after being accused of medical malpractice and having his license revoked. And a prosecutor from the Medical Crimes Division who lost her family and her only love. Together, they punish those who believe that the importance of a person’s life can be ranked based on their wealth and power. “Han Yi Han” was one of the elite surgeons. He graduated from the best medical school in South Korea and specialized in two departments: general surgery and heart surgery. But his life changed because of a surgery. Han Yi Han believed that he did a good job in that surgery, but the patient died. Which caused his medical license to be revoked. Five years later, Han Yi Han works as a lawyer specializing in medical litigation. He also tries to uncover the truth behind his former patient’s death. While a prosecutor from the Medical Crimes Division of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office. She has a firm belief that the rehabilitation of criminals comes from punishment, not tolerance and leniency. k dram - Korean love story❤️ Korean drama Korean summaries Korean series summaries Korean summary